Auxiliaries Supporting Healthcare Across British Columbia
The BCAHA Links & Strengthens 67 Member Auxiliaries at the Heart of Healthcare
What is BCAHA?
We are volunteer-based membership organizations formed to support the needs of hospitals, healthcare centres and health services, thereby promoting the health and welfare of communities within BC. The BC Association of Healthcare Auxiliaries (BCAHA) was established in 1945 to promote education, leadership, effective communication, and high standards of performance as key factors in member Auxiliaries’ success.
our impact in 2023
Member Auxiliaries
Donated to healthcare
Bursaries distributed
Volunteer hours
Currently, BCAHA’s member auxiliaries in BC represent more than 4,892 adult volunteers and 249 youth volunteers. We keep our members knowledgeable with timely information and resource material through our website, a regular newsletter and face-to-face interaction at the local and provincial levels, including annual provincial and regional annual general meetings and conferences.
BCAHA Tribute Bursary Fund
The BC Association of Healthcare Auxiliaries recognizes the work of youth volunteers by offering one bursary per year to a student seeking financial assistance. Deadline May 15,2023.
Recent News
Congratulations Jim Short from Delta Hospital Auxiliary
In case you missed it: our very own DHAS...
Mission Healthcare Auxiliary
On May 3rd, 1968 at 12:15PM the Mission Hospital...
Lady Smith Hospital Auxiliary
Featured News
Congratulations Jim Short from Delta Hospital Auxiliary
In case you missed it: our very own DHAS President Jim Short received a King Charles III Coronation Medal. Delta MP Carla Qualtrough presented a medal to Jim and to 29 other Delta citizens at a ceremony in Ladner in December, 2024. Check out the full story!...
Mission Healthcare Auxiliary
On May 3rd, 1968 at 12:15PM the Mission Hospital officially opened their “latest business venture” to raise funds – a thrift shop named “The Cottage” which was located beside Tremblay Cleaners on the south side of First Avenue directly across from the offices of the...
Lady Smith Hospital Auxiliary